11302 items found in 1413 pages
Introduction to Explore
An introduction to Explore: finding books and more in UCL Libraries.
Contraception Choices - Which methods of contraception are the most reliable
Contraception Choices Which methods of contraception are the most reliable?
Contraception Choices - What are the benefits of contraception
Contraception Choices What are the benefits of contraception?
Report Online - Connect to Protect
Report your status through UCL Connect to Protect to let us know if: you think you may have coronavirus; you have tested positive for the virus; you are waiting for the results of a coronavirus test; or you need to self-isolate. We will use the data from the tool to help us: - Respond to potential and positive cases and ensure we are offering support to individuals; - Identify and respond to potential outbreaks and to manage our collective response in partnership with Camden & Islington Public Health; - Inform our internal coronavirus testing programme – you should register your symptoms through Connect to Protect before you request a test. - Follow up with students who recieve positive results through the national testing programme and offer support. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/coronavirus/testing-reporting-and-managing-potential-cases/connect-protect
UCL Team Introduction Prof Qing Gu
UCL Team Introduction Prof Qing Gu
Disruptive Thinking Since 1826 MadeAtUCL
Our campaign, ‘Disruptive thinking since 1826’ and the hashtag #MadeAtUCL highlighted our unique multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving through game-changing research, and united staff, students, and alumni in sharing the real-life impact of our work in ways that wider audiences could relate to. The campaign was the first of its kind that involved the whole community – from academics and communications professionals to members of the public who voted for their favourite UCL research stories. By working together, staff in faculties and the central marketing team created a digital hub for 100 breakthrough stories, which were transformed into animations; social media advertising; hoardings at the new UCL East campus; podcasts; a festival and public lecture series. Combining resources and clever use of content led to engagement with over 5m people, far exceeding our original objectives and demonstrating excellence in the education sector. https://bit.ly/UCL-disruptive
UCL Qatar Student Testimonial - Maria Arias
MA Museum and Gallery Practice graduate, Maria Arias, gives her thoughts on studying at UCL Qatar
UCL Qatar - Back to Msheireb
The Back to Msheireb Exhibition was organised by the 2016/17 MA in Museum and Gallery Practice students from UCL Qatar. This is part of a core Exhibition Project module which explores how museums and galleries communicate with their audiences. For more information see: http://uclqurates.squarespace.com/