5 items found in 1 pages
Breathe: 2022
Keynote lecture with Prof Dryden Goodwin (Visual Artist and Professor of Fine Art, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL). Part of the AMH Conference 2023.
Poetry Reading
Prof Sharon Morris (poet, artist and Professor of Fine Art, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL). Part of the AMH Conference 2023
Creating our way through crises: How can the arts and creativity address sustainability and tackle health and environmental inequalities?
Chair: Dr Rochelle Burgess (Associate Professor in Global Health, Deputy Director of the UCL Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases, at the Institute for Global Health at UCL and Director of UCL’s Global Network on Mental Health); Dr Sarah Fortais (Visual Artist); Dr Harold Offeh (Visual Artist). Part of the AMH Conference 2023
Creative and arts intervention network Latin America: A regional hub to connect arts & brain health
Part of the seminar series, 'The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies' Growing evidence has identified multiple benefits of arts and creative practices for health and well-being. These offer significant scope for behavioural change interventions and patient activation and empowerment. However, in Latin America, essential gaps in basic knowledge and awareness reduced the potential positive impact of arts on brain health. Based on the expertise of the Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and the Latin American Brain Health Institute at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile, we have created the Creative and Arts Intervention Network Latin America. This network aims to support projects and online communities promoting the use of art to improve brain health and create support for vulnerable communities. Professor Agustin Ibanez Director of the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat)
Exchange, Network, Engage
Exchange, Network, Engage Kunle Adewale on how to strengthen global connections in arts and health research and practice  Kunle Adewale (Founder, Arts in Medicine Projects) Dr Jill Sonke (Director of Research, UF) Response from Christopher Bailey (Arts & Health Lead, WHO) World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Arts & Health Social Biobehavioural Research Group Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, UCL | @UCL_SBB