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5 items found in 1 pages
BAME Conference 2021: Heidi Mirza
Talk and Q&A by Heidi Mirza (Professor of Race, Faith and Culture at Goldsmiths, UoL, Professor Emerita in Equalities Studies at UCL, and Visiting Professor in Social Policy at LSE)
BAME Conference 2021: Chris Millward
Talk and Q&A by Chris Millward (Director for Fair Access and Participation).
BAME Conference: Q&A panel
Chaired by Ijeoma Uchegbu (Pro-Vice Provost - Africa and The Middle East), with panellists Prof. Ijeoma Uchegbu, Sandy Ogundele, Aarushi Menon, Lasana Harris and Prof. Parama Chaudhury.
Message from the Provost - Black Lives at UCL Podcast
A message from UCL's President & Provost, Dr Michael Spence, introducing our latest podcast series, Black lives at UCL. Black Lives at UCL is a new podcast series amplifying and sharing the voices of UCL's black staff and students. In each episode, you’ll hear from three people from within the UCL community, talking about their experiences of race, racialisation and systemic racism, and asking what UCL needs to change in order to be better. Listen to this message from the Provost, about why this podcast series is an important step forwards for UCL and why we should all take the time to listen to it.
Liberating the Curriculum
Working closely with UCLU Liberation Networks and UCL Equalities and Diversity, the aim of this collaboration is to challenge the current Euro-centric, white-hegemonic, male-dominated curriculum. We will work to find ways of putting black, queer, disabled, and feminist contributions and critiques on an equal footing, in the curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that knowledge from these marginalised knowledge producers is fairly represented in UCL curricula, and acknowledged as mainstream, rather than as ‘other’ and different from that produced by the dominant social category.