6 items found in 1 pages
Study MRes Biosciences at UCL: postgraduate open day event
This is a recording of an open day session about the MRes Biosciences programme. Watch to find out all about the programme from the course leader.
Pharmacology Offer Holders' Day Welcome Talk
An introductory talk by Dr Guy Moss. He will talk about the Pharmacology programmes at UCL.
Nazif Alic - Manipulating metabolism (The Naked Scientists Podcast)
Tweaking some of the genes involved in metabolic signalling could help to prolong healthy lifespan - but could it help us live forever? An Interview with Nazif Alic, UCL Institute for Healthy Ageing. 12 October 2014
Rethinking Cancer Panel Discussion - Cancer evolution: can we beat Nature?
Professor Alison Lloyd Professor Andrew Pomiankowski Professor Charles Swanton Dr Duncan Greig Professor David Gems Professor Tariq Enver Rethinking Cancer | UCL Cancer Domain Symposium Monday 13 May 2019 Cancer evolution: can we beat Nature? Cancer remains one of the major causes of morbidity and premature death worldwide; one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. UCL has a proud track record in addressing the societal, technical, and health challenges of cancer and in exploring its underling biology. This symposium, invited our broad community to assemble for the first time at scale to consider challenges and opportunities in cancer research, prevention and treatment, from biological, clinical, technical, economic and societal perspectives.
Professor David Gems - Learning about cancer from an organism that doesn’t get cancer
Prof David Gems Professor of Biogerontology Genetics, Evolution & Environment UCL Division of Biosciences Rethinking Cancer | UCL Cancer Domain Symposium Monday 13 May 2019 Cancer evolution: can we beat Nature? Cancer remains one of the major causes of morbidity and premature death worldwide; one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. UCL has a proud track record in addressing the societal, technical, and health challenges of cancer and in exploring its underling biology. This symposium, invited our broad community to assemble for the first time at scale to consider challenges and opportunities in cancer research, prevention and treatment, from biological, clinical, technical, economic and societal perspectives.
Dr Duncan Greig - Microbes as models for cancer evolution
Dr Duncan Greig Reader in Genetics Genetics, Evolution & Environment UCL Division of Biosciences Rethinking Cancer | UCL Cancer Domain Symposium Monday 13 May 2019 Cancer evolution: can we beat Nature? Cancer remains one of the major causes of morbidity and premature death worldwide; one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. UCL has a proud track record in addressing the societal, technical, and health challenges of cancer and in exploring its underling biology. This symposium, invited our broad community to assemble for the first time at scale to consider challenges and opportunities in cancer research, prevention and treatment, from biological, clinical, technical, economic and societal perspectives.