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Biosignatures X
4 items found in 1 pages
Exploring the limits of biosignature detection in the Martian analogue deposits of Lake Salda - Connor Ballard (MSSL), APEX Seminar 2023-11-10
The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Oct-Dec 2023), were held on Fridays at 1pm online and at Birkbeck. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond. All those interested in these topics are welcome to attend.
Looking for biosignatures: Lessons from the ALH84001 meteorite - Dr Frances Westall (CNRS), APEX Seminar 2022-02-03
This week's APEX talk features Dr Frances Westall (CNRS), on the subject of: "Looking for biosignatures: Lessons from the ALH84001 meteorite". The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Jan-Mar 2022), are held online on Thursdays from 1-2pm. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond.
Exoplanet biosignatures: Past, present and future - Estelle Janin (UCL), APEX seminar 2021-10-14 - new version
This week's APEX talk features Estelle Janin (UCL) on the subject of: "Exoplanet biosignatures: Past, present and future". The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Oct - Dec 2021), are held weekly on Thursdays at 1pm, online with Zoom. They are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond. All those interested in these topics are welcome to attend.
Biosignatures in stromatolitic microbial ecosystems on the early Earth - Dr Dominic Papineau (UCL), APEX Seminar 2020-03-04
Our APEX talk this week features CPS Director, Dr Dominic Papineau (UCL) on the subject of: "Biosignatures in stromatolitic microbial ecosystems on the early Earth". The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Jan - Mar 2021), are held fortnightly on Thursdays at 1pm, online with Microsoft Teams. They are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond. All those interested in these topics are welcome to attend.