3 items found in 1 pages
Healthy longevity in the 21st century: A cross-generational life course perspective - Prof George Ploubidis
Prof George Ploubidis’ lecture will explore findings from across several generations suggesting how to delay the onset of chronic illness and promote health and wellbeing.
Resources for mixed-methods and qualitative research available from the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study
Prof Jane Elliott of CLS and Libby Bishop of the UK Data Archive discuss the rich qualitative data available to researchers from the 1958 National Child Development Study. Recorded 2012
Inequalities in education and society: The home, the school and the power of reading - Professor Alice Sullivan
Professor Alice Sullivan Professor of Sociology, UCL Instituteof Education, Dept of Social Science, & Director of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70), Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS). Alice talks about social class and gender differences in educational attainment and social mobility. She address' the roles of children's home backgrounds and their schooling, and explains the importance of 'cultural capital' and the power of reading for pleasure. Chair: Professor Becky Francis, Director, UCL Institute of Education Respondent: Professor Heather Joshi, UCL Institute of Education