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STEaPP Chat 04: Cyber 9/12
In this episode of STEaPP Chat: Dr Irina Brass and Dr Alex Chung chat to our CryptoKitties from UCL STEaPP: Isabella Manghi, Simon Turner, Zoey Tung and Clementine Blanchier, about their participation in Cyber 9/12 and how they apply their learning from the MPA Programme at the semi-final of the competition. STEaPP Chat’ is our new format of short chats with researchers, educators, and policy advisors, showcasing the work we do at the Department of Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) of University College London (UCL). The 20-30 min long chats will not only demonstrate how academic work ties into the world of policymaking, attempting to improve peoples’ lives, but also shows why we teach what we teach. Join in for future episodes and keep an eye out for ‘STEaPP Chat’. You can also follow @UCLSTEaPP @AndyPKopp and @aseatwo on twitter.
IoT in the Home Demonstrator
The IoT in the Home Demonstrator project is one of the research activities under PETRAS Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things Research Hub. This demonstrator project is a pilot research, pioneering ways to include people in the dynamic design processes and policymaking of complex technologies. 17 members of the public were invited to spend time in a home located at BRE’s Innovation Park on the 19thand 20thJanuary 2019. The home was fitted out with the types of internet-connected ‘smart’ devices that are available in the market now and prototypes developed by PETRAS university partners that include possible future functionalities. A key finding of these publicly attended events was that attendees found in favour of a manual (non-smart) ‘opt-in’ option when using ‘smart and connected’ domestic devices. Further details and findings are for you to discover in the video.