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Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 12: Lisbon, 1939-45: the untold story of Portugal and the Jewish refugees
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 12: Lisbon, 1939-45: the untold story of Portugal and the Jewish refugees During World War II, Portugal was frantically trying to hold on to its self-proclaimed wartime neutrality, but was increasingly caught in the middle of the economic, and naval wars between the Allies and the Nazis. To complicate matters further, thousands of refugees, many of them Jewish, flooded into Lisbon seeking a passage to the United States or Palestine. This talk will present the little known, and yet vitally important history of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, during World War II. Vintage Poscasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 12: Why Psychiatry has to be Social
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 12: Why Psychiatry has to be Social To mark World Mental Health Day – 10 October. Professor Bebbington explores the idea that psychiatry has an essentially social component because the phenomenon it seeks to explain have inherently social attributes. Psychiatric symptoms relate to our internal experience of external reality, and therefore comprise elements of both the internal and external world. A full account of psychiatric disorder must invoke the interaction of biological and social factors, acknowledging that the balance between these factors will vary between individuals. Professor Paul Bebbington Department of Mental Health Sciences 15 October 2009 Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures