8 items found in 1 pages
European Voices - Florian Mussgnug
Professor Florian Mussgnug (UCL School of European Languages, Culture and Society) talks about his role as Academic Director for Rome, UCL Cities Partnerships Programme
European Voices: Uta Staiger
UCL’s Pro-Vice-Provost (Europe) Dr Uta Staiger, from Germany, is Executive Director of the European Institute, UCL's interdisciplinary hub for research, collaboration and policy engagement on Europe. Here Uta talks about the work of the European Institute – which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2020 – and her strategic role shaping UCL’s activity with European partners. She also shares her own research and teaching focus on the intersection between European thought, culture and politics.
European Voices: Ines Luque Catalayud
UCL 2nd year undergraduate Ines, from Spain, is studying an MSci in Management Science. Here she talks about why she wanted to come to UCL, what she enjoys about her course and the internship she’s been doing in a technology consultancy. She also explains why she’d recommend studying abroad and what she’s gained from the experience.
European Voices: Fabiana Maglio
Italian UCL alumna Fabiana Maglio works as a Senior Specialist in Education and International Development for the UN Refugee Agency, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Here she talks about her experience studying an MA in Education, Gender and International Development at UCL and how this has helped shape her career.
European Voices: Leonardo Corsaro
UCL 3rd year undergraduate Leonardo, from Italy, is studying an MSc in Physics. Here he talks about the benefits of UCL’s vast international community, welcoming feel and how his course and UCL’s interdisciplinary nature inspired him to take up opportunities he wouldn’t have had elsewhere. He also explains why he’d recommend European students consider coming to UCL.
EU Settlement Scheme Pilot - Briefing Session - Nov 18
UCL briefing session held by immigration specialist law firm, Eversheds LLP, for staff wanting to take part in the EU Settlement Scheme Pilot. For more information, check UCL Brexit site at ucl.ac.uk/brexit
UCL Laidlaw Scholars 2017: Brexit research
UCL students and Laidlaw Scholars Anton Gromoczki and Jose Feio share how they are contributing to the UCL European Institute's research into Brexit negotiations. Beginning in 2017, UCL's Laidlaw Scholarship Programme offers 25 fully-funded scholarships to first-year undergraduates. The programme aims to create the leaders of the future through a mix of training and intensive summer research periods. Filmed and edited by UCL graduate Jason Lewis.
Europe's refugee crisis: Humanitarian complicity in abuse?
The Faculty of Population Health Sciences hosted its first alumni event on 12 May 2017. This was a lecture "Europe's refugee crisis: Humanitarian complicity in abuse?" by special guest speaker Dr Xand van Tulleken.