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Extinction X
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MadeAtUCL Podcast Episode 5: What came before us
This episode was created during lockdown and a timely reflection on what came before us. Hear about historical figures from World War 1 to extinct species because of climate change and unearthed ancient fossils as Suzie takes you back in time with our UCL experts: - Vicky Price, Head of Outreach at UCL Special Collections, Library Services - Professor Richard Pearson, Professor of Ecology, Genetics, Evolution & Environment in the Division of Biosciences - Dr Dominic Papineau, Lecturer in Geochemistry and Astrobiology Find out more on
FLOPCAST Ep 5 Helen Chatterjee
This is the fifth episode of a podcast mini-series to accompany FLOP 13 Stories of Failure, a free exhibition at the UCL Octagon Gallery open from 21 October 2019 to 10 April 2020. The exhibition has been commissioned by UCL Culture and curated by Thomas Kador (UCL Arts & Sciences). It shines a spotlight on a topic that most of us rather avoid and not talk about and investigates (through 13 stories) what happens when things go wrong. The FLOPCAST series comprises 15 different voices, all experts in their fields, discussing some of the objects on display at the exhibition to tell these stories of failure. The intention is that the podcasts can be accessed both while people are looking at the exhibits and independently without having visited the exhibition. In this fifth episode Professor Helen Chatterjee tells the story of biodiversity loss and the sixth mass extinction event.