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George Orwell X
2 items found in 1 pages
Being a Journalist: Then and Now
This is a short film made for teachers and school pupils by UCL Special Collections and the Orwell Youth Prize. The film explores the life and legacy of George Orwell, focussing on his journalistic career, and takes a moment to ask some present day writers about journalism today.'
The Orwell Lecture 2016: Ian Hislop
The Orwell Lecture 2016 - Ian Hislop: The Right to Dissent (and the Left too) The Orwell Lecture was established by Professor Sir Bernard Crick – founder of the Orwell Prize – and has been held annually since 1989. Originally held at Birkbeck, University of London and the University of Sheffield, the Lecture is now held at University College London each autumn. Ian Hislop is a writer, editor and broadcaster. He was educated at Ardingly College and Magdalen College, Oxford. He has been editor of Private Eye since 1986. He is probably best known for his role as a regular team captain on the BBC show Have I Got News for You.