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Global Business School for Health X
2 items found in 1 pages
A New Year's Message from Prof Nora Colton
A New Year's Message from Prof Nora Colton, Director at UCL GBSH
Launch Event for the UCL Global Business School for Health
The UCL Global Business School for Health is a business school with a difference, developing next generation leaders for a global health economy. We’re inspired by the World Health Organisation’s goal to “ensure that a billion more people have universal health coverage, to protect a billion more people from health emergencies, and provide a further billion people with better health and wellbeing”. We are committed to empowering tomorrow’s health leaders through collaboration across UCL and our global networks, improving patient outcomes and promoting wellbeing. As such, we want to bring together the wider UCL and business and health communities to celebrate the launch of our brand new school through an engaging evening of speaker sessions and the opportunity to hear about our vision, ambition and how we hope to engage with you. We have an excellent line-up of speakers from across UCL including the Provost and senior academics and wider industry partners including representatives from