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This brief video introduction from Fran Hunt (Development Education Research Centre) gives an outline of the 'Global Citizenship Education: Research, Policy and Practice' module of the Global Learning MA.
This online module will aim to introduce learners to the key debates and discussions surrounding global citizenship education (GCE) within existing research and policy, as well as to explore examples of practice from around the world. It will provide students with an opportunity to explore and critique the relevant academic literature, and to consider how their learning might inform their own professional practice. This will include a focus on specific areas of GCE research, such as learning in the classroom, learning through personal experience (e.g. volunteering), and engagement in social action.
This brief video introduction from Clare Bentall (Development Education Research Centre) gives an outline of the 'Global Learning: Principles and Theoretical Perspectives' module of the Global Learning MA.
Global learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages active engagement with a diverse, interdependent and fragile world, which encompasses approaches such as education for sustainable development and global citizenship education. This online module encourages critical engagement with current and diverse theoretical perspectives underpinning these approaches, and reflection by students on the links between these perspectives and their educational practice.
Practitioner researchers Jane Yates, Jen Simpson and Anne Roots present new research studies produced through the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL) Practitioner Research Fund.
The CCGL Practitioner Research Fund was an initiative to support research by educators on a global learning and/ or school partnerships theme running 2019-2022. Its purpose was to encourage small-scale research to promote innovation in global learning and school partnerships, to inform best practice and to build capacity at school level. The studies provide valuable insights into global learning and school partnerships at a school level, with practitioners offering fresh perspectives on under-researched topics.
This presentation from Dr Bob Manteaw (University of Ghana) will look at how, as an African, from Ghana, Dr Manteaw has employed chocolate as a teaching and learning resource in his global learning and sustainability education efforts in higher education in Canada and the United States of America.
Unavoidably, discussions will touch on the impact of the work of the Fairtrade Foundation and similar initiatives, as well as issues of traceability, certification, sustainability and child labour as emergent critical discourses in the cocoa supply chain - and why they should matter in education and learning.
Claire Arnott, Senior Education Campaigns Officer at Fairtrade Foundation, will be joining this seminar as a respondent as part of Fairtrade Foundation's 'Choose the World you Want' festival.
Chaired by DERC's Doug Bourn
Hear from the students of the predecessor programme of the Global Learning MA. Full information:
Presentation and Q&A by the programme leaders of the new Global Urbanism MASc. This session is from the Bartlett Graduate Open Days (January 2022).
Harriet Marshall, Lyfta’s Head of Educational Research, presents and facilitates a discussion around the challenges and opportunities for global learning educators working in immersive virtual environments (IVE).
About this event
What is digital immersive storytelling and how is it being used in global learning? Why are an increasing number of schools using it in the classroom? How are teachers and young people developing curriculum and enrichment activities using a platform like Lyfta? What do we know about impact so far and what questions still need answering?
Chaired by DERC's Doug Bourn
Find out more about the short-term global opportunities available to UCL students.