7 items found in 1 pages
UCL  Artificial intelligence - 11th June 2018
UCL Artificial intelligence - 11th June 2018 Artificial intelligence and the data-driven economy is a ‘Grand Challenge’ identified in the Government’s Industrial Strategy white paper and we expect major private and public sector investment decisions to be made in this area. This conference takes the broadest definition of artificial intelligence and aims to bring together UCL members involved in Fundamental AI research and those who apply these tools to address research challenges in a wide range of fields. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/research/domains/eresearch/events/ai-events
The Social Issues Around Artificial Intelligence
UCL's Grand Challenge of Transformative Technology on Wednesday 6th June 2018, for a UCL Town Meeting on "The Social Issues Around Artificial Intelligence". The event will be hosted by Professor Jon Agar and Professor Noreena Hertz. Six provocations: The town meeting will feature six, six-minute, presentations followed by a question and answer session moderated by Professor Noreena Hertz.
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability - Concluding remarks
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability - First panel First UCL Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability Disability between academic and research practice: breaking barriers towards a just and equal world Concluding remarks
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability - Third panel
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability - First panel First UCL Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability Disability between academic and research practice: breaking barriers towards a just and equal world Third panel: Inclusion, Equality and Social Justice Chair: Sara Joiko (UCL – Institute of Education) Disability and the Normative Trajectory of Academic Careers. Alison Wilde (Leeds Beckett University) Schooling in Austere Times: Young People with Dwarfism Reflecting on Their Secondary Education. Antonios Ktenidis (School of Education, University of Sheffield) Disability beyond policy: disability dispositif in higher education. Francesca Peruzzo (UCL – Institute of Education)
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability - Second panel
First UCL Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability Disability between academic and research practice: breaking barriers towards a just and equal world Second panel: Human Health and Wellbeing Chair: Catalin Brylla (London School of Film, Media and Design) Challenging intellectual disability stigma at multiple levels. Katrina Scior (UCL Unit for Stigma Research and Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research) The Way I See It. Catalin Brylla (London School of Film, Media and Design) Telepresence as a Tool to Support Well-being for Persons with Disability. Jennifer Rode (UCL Knowledge Lab – UCL Institute of Education)
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability - First panel
First UCL Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability Disability between academic and research practice: breaking barriers towards a just and equal world First panel: Accessibility and Transformative Technologies Chair: Rafie Cecilia (UCL School of Archaeology) Dis/Ordinary Architecture. Jos Boys (Bartlett School of Architecture) Struggles for Social Access: Young People with Physical Disabilities in Online Relationships. Herminder Kaur (Middlesex University) Design opportunities for AAC and children with severe speech and physical impairments. Seray Ibrahim, (UCL Knowledge Lab – UCL Institute of Education)
Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability 1
First UCL Interdisciplinary Conference on Disability Disability between academic and research practice: breaking barriers towards a just and equal world Opening: Francesca Peruzzo (UCL – Institute of Education) and Rafie Cecilia (UCL – School of Archaeology) Keynote: Global Disability Innovation Catherine Holloway (UCL Interaction Centre - Global Disability Innovation Hub)