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Uncommon Wealth: Britain and the aftermath of Empire
UCL IIPP in conversation series 10th Oct 2024 Uncommon Wealth is the little known and shocking history of how Britain treated its former non-white colonies after the end of empire. It is the story of how an interconnected group of British capitalists enabled horrific inequality across the globe, profiting in colonial Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. However, the greed unleashed in this era would boomerang, now leaving many ordinary Britons wondering where their own prosperity has gone. Ranging from Jamaica to Singapore, Ghana to Britain, this is a blistering account of how buried decisions of decades past are ravaging Britain today. Speaker: Dr Kojo Koram | Reader in Law at Birkbeck College, University of London Discussant: Reverend Professor Keith Magee | Visiting Professor in Cultural Justice at the UCL IIPP Chair: Dr Cecilia Rikap | Head of Research and Associate Professor in Economics at the UCL IIPP