16 items found in 2 pages
The Perils of Progressive Jurisprudence
This lecture is part of the Current Legal Problems Lecture Series 2021-22 The Perils of Progressive Jurisprudence: The Nullum Crimen Sine Lege Principle in International Criminal Law Speaker: Professor Payam Akhavan (Massey College, University of Toronto) Chair: Elizabeth Wilmshurst CMG (Distinguished Fellow, Chatham House) About this lecture Expansive interpretations of human rights and humanitarian law are celebrated by progressive jurists as a welcome shift from positivist State-centric notions towards a more equitable human-centric international law. In the context of criminal justice however, the nullum crimen sine lege principle – codified in Article 22 of the ICC Statute – requires strict construction of the definition of crimes and prohibits either retroactive application or extension by analogy. It is apparent that for the most part, international criminal jurisdictions – from the IMT at Nürnberg to the ICTY-ICTR and ICC – have failed to exercise such judicial restraint.
#MadeAtUCL Series 2 - Episode 5 - The Cost of Freedom
Presented and edited by two UCL (University College London) graduates, Cassidy and Cerys, hear about research #MadeAtUCL on the costs of freedom. In this episode we’re exploring the value of freedom, from the people who found it in the bleakest of circumstances to the ways in which we restrict our own freedom (and the freedom of others) without even realising it. Professor Virginia Mantouvalou shares her work on labour laws and explains how our legal system is creating situations that exploit vulnerable people. Dr Sarah J Young describes the experiences of Russian prisoners at Shlissel’burg and the memoirs she used to write her new book. And Dr Saheli Datta Burton tells us why we should be sceptical about our smart gadgets. Transcript and show notes on www.ucl.ac.uk/made-at-ucl/podcas…2-ep5-cost-freedom
Laws LLB 2020 Prof Jeff King
Laws LLB 2020 Prof Jeff King Faculty Of Laws UCL Legal Adviser House of Lords Constitution Committee
Laws LLB 2020 Shiva Riahi
Laws LLB 2020 Shiva Riahi Head of Projects at UCL Centre for Access to Justice
Laws Notarial Practice 16_11_19 Year 2 Session 2
Laws Notarial Practice 16_11_19 Year 2 Session 2
Laws Notarial Practice Course 16-11-19 Year 2 Session 7
Laws Notarial Practice Course 16-11-19 Year 2 Session 7
Laws Notarial Practice Course 16-11-19 Year 2 Session 6
Laws Notarial Practice Course 16-11-19 Year 2 Session 6
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