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5 items found in 1 pages
Make the most of your academic self: strategies for academic success: Talking
This is the fifth of 5 recordings of the live event on Wednesday 14 October 2020 as part of Make the Most of UCL. Talking: Meet some Academic Representatives and find out how they can help make your voice heard to ensure your academic interests are represented.
Make the most of your academic self: strategies for academic success: Planning
This is the fourth of 5 recordings of the live event on Wednesday 14 October 2020 as part of Make the Most of UCL. Planning: guidance on assessment and feedback from a student perspective; and how your Personal Tutor can help.
Make the most of your academic self: strategies for academic success: Writing
This is the third of 5 recordings of the live event on Wednesday 14 October 2020 as part of Make the Most of UCL. Writing (UCL Academic Communication Centre): support to develop your writing and other academic skills.​
Make the most of your academic self: strategies for academic success: Reading
This is the second of 5 recordings of the live event on Wednesday 14 October 2020 as part of Make the Most of UCL. Reading (UCL Library Services): We’ll recap how to get started and highlight next steps for making the most of your library’s resources and services.
Make the most of your academic self: strategies for academic success: Introduction
This is the first of 5 recordings of the live event on Wednesday 14 October 2020 as part of Make the Most of UCL.