7 items found in 1 pages
Mathematics PGCE
Well-qualified mathematics teachers are in high demand in London, the UK and across the world. The Mathematics PGCE at IOE is rigorously informed by research, including developments internationally. You will learn how to make mathematics meaningful and engaging, and learn how to analyse your own and your pupils' development across the full secondary age range.
UCL Mathematics - Undergraduate Applicant Event Presentation 2022
Staff from the Department of Mathematics discuss the undergraduate courses available and answers questions from applicants.
Mathematics - Postgraduate Virtual Open Day February 2022
Academic staff from the Department of Mathematics at UCL discuss the postgraduate taught programmes available with the department.
Dept. of Mathematics Undergraduate Virtual Open Day Presentation - Dec 2020
Presentation for the Department of Mathematics Undergraduate Virtual Open Day, December 2020, hosted by Dr Robert Bowles.
The complexity of improving mathematical outcomes
Dr Jo Van Herwegen discusses factors that impact on mathematical development and how this may translate into research-informed interventions and practice that can improve mathematical outcomes.
ISEC 2021 Gail Van Schalkwyk
Gail Van Schalkwyk introduces her paper How Academic Research Enabled a Maths Hub to Positively and Effectively Assess and Plan for Children with Maths SEN.
What if… we wanted all kids to love maths?
We use maths in every aspect of our lives. We need numeracy at work, as citizens to make sense of economic news, as patients to understand risks, as consumers to work out the best deal; the list goes on. We've asked leading experts: if you were schools minister, what steps would you take to resolve this problem? Maths is something that as a nation we're not good at, and poor numeracy costs individuals and the UK dearly. And despite this, it remains acceptable to say - boast even - 'I'm no good at maths'. Why do so many of us struggle with maths at school, and what can schools and parents do so that more children grow up enjoying this subject and confident in their use of numbers? Can we learn anything from other subjects, or other countries? #IOEDebates