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Medical Women Talking X
26 items found in 4 pages
Medical Women Talking: Prof Wendy Burn CBE
S04E10 Wendy Katherine Burn CBE FRCPsych (born 1958) is a Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry. She was President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists from 2017 to 2020.
Medical Women Talking: Dr Natalie Jane McDonald
S04E09 Dr Natalie Jane Macdonald has over 30 years of experience healthcare in a variety of roles. Natalie-Jane is a graduate of Glasgow University and spent eight years as a NHS hospital physician. She has also served as a Non-Executive Director of the Private Healthcare & Information Network (PHIN).
Medical Women Talking: Dr Kate Stannard
S04E07 Dr Kate Stannard graduated from Guy’s & St Thomas Hospitals in 1995. Her anaesthetic training was based in London with an 18 month period as clinical lecturer at Royal Perth Hospital & the University of Western Australia. She started her consultant career in 2005 at MTW NHS Trust and has developed an interest in anaesthesia for complex hip surgery and has a high risk anaesthetic assessment clinic. In addition, Dr Stannard has regular ENT lists which have both paediatric & adult patients.
Medical Women Talking: Baroness Ilora Finlay
S04E05 Baroness Ilora Finlay is Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Velindre Cancer Centre and Honorary Professor of Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University. She established the Marie Curie Hospice in 1987 and the Diploma/MSc in Palliative Medicine in 1989 and was lead for Palliative Care in Wales 2008-2017. In 2010 she founded the think-tank Living and Dying Well. Ilora became a life-Peer in 2001 in the House of Lords and a Deputy Speaker since 2018. She has chaired the National Mental Capacity Forum (England and Wales) for Ministry of Justice since 2015.
Medical Women Talking: Prof Farah Bhatti OBE
S04E04 Farah Bhatti OBE FRCS FLSW is a British cardiac surgeon who is an honorary professor at the Swansea University Medical School. She serves as Chair of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Women in Surgery Forum. She was appointed an Order of the British Empire in 2020 for services to diversity in the National Health Service in Wales.
Medical Women Talking: Prof Carrie Newlands
S04E02 Professor Carrie Newlands is a Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Her primary focus is to work with her patients, finding out what is important to them and "giving kind, experienced and evidence-based advice, so that we can work out a plan together.”
Medical Women Talking: Dr Henrietta Hughes
S04E01 Dr Henrietta Hughes was previously the NHS national guardian, she provided leadership and support to Freedom to Speak Up Guardians across England in the NHS, Independent sector organisations, and other parts of the healthcare sector. Previously a medical director at NHS England, Henrietta continues her clinical role one day a week as a GP in central London. In July 2022 Henrietta was appointed as the first ever Patient Safety Commissioner for England.
Medical Women Talking: Dr Abi Patel
S03E11 Rising Stars Abi is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. She graduated from University of Cambridge in 2004 and completed higher surgical training in the West Midlands, some of which was as a less than full-time trainee.
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