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Middle East X
7 items found in 1 pages
Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Mehiyar Kathem speaks with Dr Hossam Mahdy, conservation architect, who is working to rethink and reform the ways in which conservation activity is pursued in the Middle East. Dr Mahdy speaks about the significance of community and intangible cultural heritage to sustainability and cultural continuity.
Narratives and Realities of Violence on War in the Middle East
On this episode, we are hosting three figures, Nazan Üstündağ; Özlem Göner and Sardar Saadi, about four Kurdish regions and the rising violence in them.
Takhayyul Podcast: Women, Life, and Freedom: Iran Uprising and Its International Impact
The first episode was led by Dr Fatemeh Sadeghi, a research fellow of the UCL's and Institute for Global Prosperity's ERC Project Takhayyul. She is a political scientist who is an expert on Iran. This episode discussed how the uprisings in Iran were received in different parts of the world, specifically in China, Pakistan, India, Bahrain, Turkey, and the UK. The guests were Dr Sumrin Kalia from Takhayyul, Dr Yuan He (IGP), Dr Alaa Shehabi, a UCL scholar and a former member of the IGP, Rumeysa Camdereli, a Muslim feminist intellectual and activist, and an anonymous scholar (pseudonym HS) and activist from India. The episode was chaired by the Primary Investigator of Takhayyul, Dr Sertaç Sehlikoglu (Principal Research Fellow at the Institute for Global Prosperity, IGP) with technical support by Hazal Aydin, the research assistant of the project from Koc University, Turkey; and Meryem Zisan Koker, the assistant to Dr Sehlikoglu.
Aerial Archaeology in the Middle East
Mehiyar Kathem interviews Oxford University based archaeologist Dr Robert Bewley, Project Director and Co-founder of the EAMENA project.
IAS Festival: Writing the Camp
06 May 2021, 9:30 am–11:00 am Poet-scholar Yousif M. Qasmiyeh enters into conversation with Dr Seth Ansizka and Professor Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
UCL Qatar - 10 Years of Excellence
After 10 successful years of operation and graduating 330 students, UCL Qatar closed its doors at the end of 2020. Take a look back at its key achievements over the last decade.
A conversation with Iraqi architect Taghlib Abdulhadi al Waily about historical Baghdad
As part of the Nahrein Network – Chatham House collaboration to explore the future of cultural heritage in Iraq and its role for rebuilding society and reconstruction, we are pleased to be organising a webinar series on pertinent issues in this field. This particular event on 5th October was a conversation with Iraqi architect and planner, Taghlib Abdulhadi al Waily, who spoke about the enormous challenges facing the protection and rehabilitation of historical Baghdad today. Taghlib AbdulHadi AlWaily is an Iraqi architect and urban planner. After receiving his BSC in Architecture in 1974 and his MA in Urban & Regional planning in 1977 from Baghdad University he has been practising planning and architecture in the UAE, Jordan, Iraq & Canada. AlWaily is the author of Baghdad 21st Century: The Historical City (Arabic version), published in 2017 and Baghdad 21st: Revival of a Historical City (English version) published in 2018.