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10 items found in 2 pages
Audio described tour of the Grant Museum of Zoology
The Grant Museum of Zoology is home to 100,000 natural history specimens from every continent, every ocean, and every animal group. This 30 minute audio tour takes in 10 stops, describing the Museum and a selection of its specimens.
Curating content: tackling difficult topics in the age of activism (Prof Alice Stevenson)
The event is organised by UCL’s Eugenics Legacy Education Project (ELEP), a programme of education activity to help address UCL's harmful historical links to eugenics. In this session, Alice Stevenson talks through her experience of teaching Museum Studies, the curriculum for which has had to radically change over the last six years to reflect a rapidly changing sector.
Disability and the Cultural Sector: Arts, Culture and Blindness
Dr Simon Hayhoe takes us through a journey on arts, culture and blindness, drawing on the theory of inclusive capital. The seminar series was sponsored by the IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund and was organised by Dr Rafie Cecilia (UCL Institute of Archaeology and Centre for Critical Heritage Studies).
Regional Museums of Space Exploration in Russia
Dr Denis Sivkov and Makar Tereshin speak on how the heritage of the Soviet space project is maintained and engaged with in regional museums across Russia
Welcome to the UCL Museums
The UCL museums have now reopened. This video demonstrates the new Covid safe process of visiting the Museums.
Dr Paul Collins - Curator at Ashmolean Museum and Co-Principal Investigator of Nahrein Network speaks about story telling and museums in Iraq
Dr Paul Collins - Curator at Ashmolean Museum and Co-Principal Investigator of the Nahrein Network, as well as current chairperson of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq speaks about story telling and museums in Iraq, and their role in society.
Dr Rozhen Mohammed of Sulaimani Polytechnic University
Dr Rozhen Mohammed, an architect and urban planner and head of the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group at Sulaimani Polytechnic University, speaks about using interactive technologies to create a better museum experience in Iraqi Kurdistan and its importance in improving public engagement in cultural heritage. Dr Rozhen is a recipient of the Nahrein Network and British Institute for the Study of Iraq Visiting Scholarships Scheme. A big thanks to AHRC and the GCRF for making this all happen!
Introduction film 3 - health and wellbeing in policy
Introduction film 3 for the Museums as Spaces for Wellbeing exploring the policy side of health and wellbeing work in museums
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