2 items found in 1 pages
MadeAtUCL Podcast Episode 2: Transfer
On Episode 2 we talk about things that transfer from one place to another. Discover how traces of DNA can transfer onto things you’ve never touched, leading to wrongful convictions. Hear about future technology that will send information on light waves rather than radio waves, and learn how antiretroviral drugs prevent the transmission of HIV between partners. Join our host, Suzie McCarthy, as she explores these topics with Professor Ruth Morgan, Professor of Crime and Forensic Sciences in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences; Dr Paul Haigh, a visiting lecturer and a former senior research associate within the Communications and Information Systems Group; Professor Alison Rodger, Professor of Infectious Diseases and consultant at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, and Simon Collins, HIV positive treatment advocate at I-Base, an organisation that provides information about HIV treatment to HIV positive people and healthcare professionals. www.ucl.ac.uk/made-at-ucl
STEaPP Chat Ep-01: Energy in African Context
‘STEaPP Chat’ is our new format of short chats with researchers, educators, and policy advisors, showcasing the work we do at the Department of Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) of University College London (UCL). The 20-30 min long chats will not only demonstrate how academic work ties into the world of policymaking, attempting to improve peoples’ lives, but also shows why we teach what we teach. Episode 1 of 'STEaPP Chat' hosted by Andreas and featuring Yacob Mulugetta, Professor of Energy and Development Policy at STEaPP, discusses network infrastructures for essential services in the development context.