Subject: Composing from Secondary Sources
Materials supplied : A4 sketchbook, A4 sheet of black paper x 2 no black paper so any coloured paper from your pack will suffice, Glue stick no glue stick so please either use little curls of sellotape or source some alternative glue, eraser, masking tape- replaced by sellotape. All wet and dry materials in kit can be used if desired. Abstract swatches from last week.
Student to supply: Drawing board or table top covered with newspaper to protect surface from spills, scissors, Straight edge/ruler, Photographs/photocopies or newspaper clippings (black and white preferred. Mobile phone to document work and for uploading to padlet gallery for feedback
Optional for auxiliary composition exercises which can be done in your own time: sketchbook, ruler, set square or corner of book, small drawing compass, 2 sheets of copy paper for paper-folds, tracing paper.
Subject: Composing from Secondary Sources
Materials supplied : A4 sketchbook, A4 sheet of black paper x 2 no black paper so any coloured paper from your pack will suffice, Glue stick no glue stick so please either use little curls of sellotape or source some alternative glue, eraser, masking tape- replaced by sellotape. All wet and dry materials in kit can be used if desired. Abstract swatches from last week.
Subject: Surfaces and Materials
Materials supplied : A4 sketchbook, A3 cartridge paper x 2, HB, 2B pencil, supply may differ from original pack, willow charcoal, compressed charcoal replaced with black conte pencil, plastic eraser, kneadable putty eraser, black ink, rigger brush, acrylic paint white, acrylic paint black
Student to supply: Drawing board or table top covered with newspaper to protect surface from spills, 4 small pots for ink such as yoghurt pots or similar, black paint, white paint, water, chop stick or wooden stick/twig from garden, sharp pointed object from compass , nail or screw; piece of cloth or kitchen roll, scissors, two textured objects you can hold in your hand- natural or man made- such as bread roll, pinecone, artichoke, dried flower, shell, sponge, feather, paintbrush, keys, small toy- anything with texture. Mobile phone to document work and for uploading to padlet gallery for feedback
Optional for auxiliary composition exercises which can be done in your own time: sketchbook, ruler, set square or corner of book, small drawing compass, 2 sheets of copy paper for paper-folds, tracing paper.
Subject: Composing from Secondary Sources
Materials supplied : A4 sketchbook, A4 sheet of black paper x 2 no black paper so any coloured paper from your pack will suffice, Glue stick no glue stick so please either use little curls of sellotape or source some alternative glue, eraser, masking tape- replaced by sellotape. All wet and dry materials in kit can be used if desired. Abstract swatches from last week.
Student to supply: Drawing board or table top covered with newspaper to protect surface from spills, scissors, Straight edge/ruler, Photographs/photocopies or newspaper clippings (black and white preferred. Mobile phone to document work and for uploading to padlet gallery for feedback
Subject: Transcribing from Secondary Sources: National Gallery
Materials to be supplied: A4 sketchbook (that pages can be removed from) or cut up A3 pad into smaller sheets, A2 cartridge paper, x 1 (join 2 x A3 together), a range of graphite pencils, supply may differ from original pack, kneadable putty eraser, sharpener, b lack sharpie, A4 Tracing paper x 1 (cut from larger sheet) not available so we may have to improvise here. Drawing board or rigid support such as cardboard, a tray or wood up to A2 if possible. Straight edge/ruler, 50cm string
Session 5:
Tutor: Kate Hopkins:
Subject: Tone: Reduction and Observing a scene
Materials supplied: A3 white cartridge paper x 1, willow charcoal (medium/thick), 1 x compressed charcoal stick replaced with black conte pencil, white chalk replaced with white conte pencil, plastic eraser, kneadable putty eraser, masking tape replaced with sellotape, black sharpie, photocopy of Diane Arbus photo (see substitutions below)
Subject: Line Drawing: Observing Space and Weight of line
Materials supplied: A4 white cartridge paper x 2, pencil- HB, 2B, supply may differ from original pack, black sharpie, sharpener, plastic eraser, glue stick please use sellotape or supply own glue, masking tape replaced by sellotape, coloured papers to make cubes- 1 x orange, blue and grey, 4 x grey coloured paper to make grid backdrop, cube template. (see substitutions below)
Student to supply: Drawing board or rigid support such as cardboard, a tray or wood up to A2 if possible
ruler, scissors, Mobile phone to document work and for uploading to padlet gallery for feedback.