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Prize Lecture X
3 items found in 1 pages
UCL Prize Lecture in Life and Medical Sciences 2024 - Professor Sarah Gilbert
Professor Sarah Gilbert (University of Oxford) presenting the 2024 UCL Prize Lecture in Life and Medical Sciences on 'Vaccine development during and after the pandemic.' About Professor Sarah Gilbert, DBE, FRS, FMedSci Sarah Gilbert is a Professor of Vaccinology in the Pandemic Sciences Institute at Oxford University. She works on viral vectored vaccine development, with projects on influenza, Nipah, MERS, and Lassa. Working with colleagues on the Old Road Campus in Oxford, she is able to take novel vaccines from design through GMP manufacturing to clinical development, with a particular interest in the rapid transfer of vaccines into GMP manufacturing and first in human trials. She was the Oxford Project Leader for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, also known as Vaxevria/Covishield, which was estimated to have saved 6.3 million lives in its first year of use.
UCL Bragg Lecture 2023 - MIkhail Eremets
A lecture on recent discoveries in high temperature superconductivity.
UCL Prize Lecture in Life and Medical Sciences 2020
The UCL Prize Lecture 2020 will be given by Dr Ann Graybiel, Professor and Investigator at the MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research About this Event The UCL Prize Lecture in Life and Medical Sciences 2020 (previously the UCL Clinical Prize Lecture) will be given by Dr Ann Graybiel, Institute Professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an Investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Title: Making Decisions Based on Value: Mood States and Brain Circuits