6 items found in 1 pages
QW Demo
Demo of the qw tool for helping software medical devices meet regulatory requirements
qw - the Quality Workflow tool
qw is a tool we are developing to help software projects to meet regulatory compliance. Visit https://github.com/UCL-ARC/qw for the instructions, the code and discussion pages.
QW Tutorial
A tutorial for using the qw "Quality Workflow" tool for software medical device projects.
Trust and control: how can regulators build trust in relationships dominated by control? - Dr Frédérique Six
UCL Centre for Educational Evaluation and Accountability (www.educationalevaluation.net) Trust and control: How can regulators build trust in relationships dominated by control? For many people inspection and accountability are about control and often control based on distrust, looking for errors that need to be corrected. In this perspective there is no room for trust in accountability and inspection relationships. Yet, trust is important in these relationships if accountability and inspection are to lead to behavioural change in schools and improved learning outcomes. So how can we overcome this dilemma? This seminar will address the intricate relation between trust and accountability. Three speakers will address the topic from various viewpoints, discussing how to define and measure trust in education systems, how regulators can build trust into relationships that are dominated by control, and the cultural context of how we understand trust.
Introduction: trust and accountability: two sides of the same coin? - Dr Melanie Ehren
UCL Centre for Educational Evaluation and Accountability (www.educationalevaluation.net) Trust and control: How can regulators build trust in relationships dominated by control? For many people inspection and accountability are about control and often control based on distrust, looking for errors that need to be corrected. In this perspective there is no room for trust in accountability and inspection relationships. Yet, trust is important in these relationships if accountability and inspection are to lead to behavioural change in schools and improved learning outcomes. So how can we overcome this dilemma? This seminar will address the intricate relation between trust and accountability. Three speakers will address the topic from various viewpoints, discussing how to define and measure trust in education systems, how regulators can build trust into relationships that are dominated by control, and the cultural context of how we understand trust.
Trust: context, capacity and culture - Dr Jacqueline Baxter
UCL Centre for Educational Evaluation and Accountability (www.educationalevaluation.net) Trust and control: How can regulators build trust in relationships dominated by control? For many people inspection and accountability are about control and often control based on distrust, looking for errors that need to be corrected. In this perspective there is no room for trust in accountability and inspection relationships. Yet, trust is important in these relationships if accountability and inspection are to lead to behavioural change in schools and improved learning outcomes. So how can we overcome this dilemma? This seminar will address the intricate relation between trust and accountability. Three speakers will address the topic from various viewpoints, discussing how to define and measure trust in education systems, how regulators can build trust into relationships that are dominated by control, and the cultural context of how we understand trust.