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ResearchCommercialisation X
6 items found in 1 pages
Episode 11: The financial synergy between research commercialisation and the university
In this episode, Katy Bruce, CFO of UCL Business, and Charu Gorasia, CFO of UCL, will discuss the mutually beneficial relationship between the technology transfer office, such as UCLB, and the university. They will dive into the research income financial cycle and how the commercialisation income is distributed back into the research ecosystem. This podcast will also cover the challenges around commercialisation income, how to tackle these and what does the future hold
UCLB Episode 8:  Senceive Ltd: An organic growth success story
Over a 15 year journey, UCLB spinout company Senceive Ltd became the world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of wireless enabled remote condition monitoring solutions for use in rail and construction applications. Recognition of the innovative and scalable nature of Senceive’s solutions to keep people and critical infrastructure safe, led to the company being acquired by Eddyfi in April 2021. In this podcast, Senceive’s now retired CEO Graham Smith and Dr Steven Schooling from UCLB discuss their experiences and learnings as they turned an early-stage university spinout into a highly successful and profitable commercial enterprise, which at exit generated strong returns for all shareholders
UCLB Podcast: Episode 7 Project Management for Technology Transfer
In the seventh episode of this podcast series, Jessica Bolton-Murray, Head of Project Management at UCLB, is in conversation with Tanel Ozdemir, Investment Manager for the UCL Technology Fund. The Project Management team at UCLB provides support and direction to any number of project at UCLB, working towards a commercial endpoint. The team have been providing bespoke project management services to all UCL Technology Fund projects, since inception in 2016 and have built a close working relationship, enabling them to move funded projects from proof of concept (POC) to licencing. Join them in this light-hearted discussion to find out how to access services, the challenges of POC, and what could be in store for the future
UCLB Big Talks on Big Impacts - Episode 3: Beating Cancer
In the third episode of this podcast series, UCLB Director of BioPharm, Dr Richard Fagan, is in conversation with UCL spinout Achilles Therapeutics’ (Achilles Tx) co-founder, Professor Charles Swanton. They will discuss Achilles Tx’s achievements and how TRACERx, the first study to track the evolution of cancer cells, will help us beat cancer.
UCLB Big Talks on Big Impacts - Episode 2: Saving the Planet
In the second episode of this podcast series, UCLB Senior Business Manager, Dr Mark Harding, explores UCL spinout Carbon Re's journey to market and their impact on reducing carbon emissions in heavy industries. He is joined by the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Carbon Re, Professor Aidan O'Sullivan.
UCLB Big Talks on Big Impacts - Episode 1: Overview of UCLB
From chronic diseases, the climate crisis, to social injustice, how are we tackling the biggest problems of the 21st century? As UCL Business (UCLB) celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2023, this new monthly podcast series will explore how we have supported UCL academics to create impact across several areas, such as: medical research, patient healthcare, the environment, and our wellbeing in a contemporary society. New episodes will be released every third Thursday of each month. Soundtrack by Harry Penfold and Thomas Shearwood.