4 items found in 1 pages
Heritage Archives and the Unsaid: Rumor, Secrecy and Contridiction - Dr Trinidad Rico
From the Ruins of Preservation: A Symposium on Rethinking Heritage Through Counter-Archives London, 11-12 July 2019 Venue: German Historical Institute London Dr Trindad Rico Associate Professor, Department of Art History and Associate Member of Graduate Faculty, Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University. She is also Senior Honorary Lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology of University College London and currently serving in the Executive Committee of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies.
Session 2: Counter Archives 1 Q&A
From the Ruins of Preservation: A Symposium on Rethinking Heritage Through Counter-Archives London, 11-12 July 2019 Venue: German Historical Institute London Chair: Prof Rodney Harrison (UCL Institute of Archaeology) Prof Wendy Shaw (Free University of Berlin); Rishika Mukhopadhyay (University of Exeter); Dr Jonathan Gardner (UCL Institute of Archaeology)
Excavating Resistance: Exploring the Ruins of History and the Marks of Injustice within the Archives - Dr Karen Salt
From the Ruins of Preservation: A Symposium on Rethinking Heritage Through Counter-Archives 11-12 July 2019 German Historical Institute London DR Karen Salt Director of the Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R); Assistant Professor in Transnational American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Nottingham
Deterritorialising the Future: Rodney Harrison
Deterritorialising the Future: A symposium on heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene Rodney Harrison, ‘From Ark to Bank: Extinction, Proxies and Biocapitals in ex-situ Biodiversity Conservation Practices’