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Adventures in Planetary Science: Asteroids and Meteorites: Unlocking the secrets of the Solar System
The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck held the fourth event in our Adventures in Planetary Science public engagement series 'Asteroids and Meteorites: Unlocking the secrets of the Solar System', online on Thursday 26th October 2023. There were talks from our planetary science experts and geologists/meteoricists, followed by a panel Q&A session with the audience. Talks and Q&A featuring Prof Hilary Downes (Birkbeck), Charlotte Bays (Royal Holloway/NHM), Dr Ashley King (NHM), hosted by Dr Andrew Rushby (Birkbeck), are available in this recording with the permission of the speakers. The live event also included Dr Sarah Crowther (Manchester).
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 10: Landing on a planet at 600 miles per hour
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 10: Landing on a planet at 600 miles per hour Unmanned robotic missions are essential for understanding the planets within our solar system. Current missions comprise of gentle landings combined with rovers to explore the local region. Due to the expense of such missions, and their sometimes unsuitability as scientific outposts, UCL’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory is developing Planetary Penetrators, which aim to land on planets at very high speed, penetrating the planet and implanting equipment just below the surface. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures