3 items found in 1 pages
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 1: The making of Johnson’s dictionary
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 1: The making of Johnson’s dictionary Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language taught the British how to spell, established Shakespeare as their greatest writer and provided the first and longest lasting map of the English language in all its subtlety and variety. This lecture will tell the extraordinary story of how the first dictionary was made and take you inside what has become the least well known great book in our literature. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
What is it we learn when we learn to spell?
Dr. Nelly Joye discusses the challenges spelling represents for many children, particularly those with language difficulties, and how to embed spelling with word-learning more broadly.
Spelling - What is it we learn when we learn to spell? Dr Nelly Joye
Centre for Language, Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Practice Dr Nelly Joye Research Fellow, ALLICC Lab & Research Associate, iREAD project