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What is humanitarianism,  and who is a humanitarian in 2023?
What is humanitarianism, and who is a humanitarian in 2023? We are pleased to bring together a panel of experts in humanitarian policy, research, and programme implementation to reflect on the present and future of humanitarianism, the global humanitarian workforce, and the value of UCL’s MSc in Humanitarian Policy and Practice. Panel: Prof Maria Kett – Professor of Humanitarianism and Social Inclusion, and Programme Director for the new MSc Humanitarian Policy and Practice Chris Porter - Humanitarian Head of Profession at the UK Government’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) – Chris is speaking in a personal capacity, but drawing on his wealth of experience. Tariq Riebl - Global Programme Strategy and Innovation Director at the Norwegian Refugee Council. Mouna Khaity - Gender and Global Health Researcher Dr Israel Balogun - Commonwealth PhD Student, UCL.