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3 items found in 1 pages
Taster Session: The Science Behind Warning Systems with Dr Shipra Jain
On early warning systems and the Indian Ocean Dipole – managing meteorological risks Weather hazards impact every aspect of our lives, from our daily routines to the functioning of entire societies. But with the changing climate, our traditional hazard prediction and risk mitigation approaches face unprecedented challenges. This session will focus on connecting theory to practice in disaster prediction, showcasing the science behind early warnings and their implementation in real-world scenarios. This lecture, part of the Risk and Disaster Reduction taster series, introduces the concept and practical application of early warning systems for managing meteorological risks, specifically through the example of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Delivered by Dr Shipra Jain, the talk explores Dr Jain's research and practical experience in predicting and mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events.
Nanotechnology and the future of the home
Researchers from Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences spent the day at the Museum of the Home, speaking to members of the public about the potentials of nanotechnology.
Masters degrees in Science and Technology Studies (STS)
UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) offers two MSc degrees (Science, Technology and Society MSc, and History and Philosophy of Science MSc). These cover a wide range of material and provide students with the skills they need in their future careers. How best to demonstrate this? We asked our students to discuss how they found the course and where they plan to go next. Students: Feodora Rayner (MSc STS) Sophie Perry (MSc STS) Amelie Peschanski (MSc STS) Leah Christian (MSc HPS) Sophie Wang (MSc STS) Emily Gardner (MSc STS) UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS).