22 items found in 3 pages
UCL Nature-Inspired Solutions MSc Webinar
In this webinar, Lecturer Dr. Diego Lopez Barreiro discusses studying a one-year MSc in Nature-Inspired Solutions at UCL Chemical Engineering. The webinar was followed by a question and answer session. Presented Dr. Diego Lopez Barreiro, Lecturer in Nature-Inspired Engineering, UCL Chemical Engineering. For more information about the Nature-Inspired Solutions MSc, visit our postgraduate study website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/chemical-engineering/study/postgraduate-taught
How Robots and AI are Revolutionising Material Synthesis and Digital Manufacturing
This seminar on Digital Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (DMAM) provides a glimpse into the future of material and chemical discovery, using cutting-edge digital and automated methods. Organized around three essential themes, this talk will highlight our teaching and research activities designed to accelerate the design, synthesis, and optimisation of novel materials. Presented by Dr. Lauren Ye Seol Lee, Lecturer of Data-Driven Chemical Process Systems Engineering and Dr. Solomon Bawa, Lecturer (Teaching) in Digital Manufacturing of Advanced Materials. For more information about the Digital Manufacturing of Advanced Materials MSc, visit our postgraduate study website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/chemical-engineering/study/postgraduate-taught
UCL East Tour (Stratford)
Undergraduate Robotics and AI MEng student Danila Kozlov gives a brief tour of UCL East, including the Innovations Lab.
Ask the Expert - Is the earth flat or a circle?
Mat Disney, Professor of Remote Sensing in the Geography department responds to the question 'Is the earth flat or a circle?'
Heritage, Sustainability and Society BA
An introduction to Heritage, Sustainability and Society BA, based at UCL East.
Public History MA Graduate Open Event
Join Dr Mark Frost and Dr Anna Maguire to find about the Public History MA programme, the learning environment, careers support and making an application.
MASc Global Urbanism Programme Tour
Part two of the MASc Global Urbanism Open Day by UCL Urban Laboratory takes us on a more in depth tour of the programme, led by the programme tutors and members of the UCL Urban Laboratory. This presentation gives an in-depth description of the modules taken, pathway options, wider context of UCL East and UCL Urban Laboratory, as well what makes this programme distinct in comparison to other Urban Studies programmes.
A New Year's Message from Prof Nora Colton
A New Year's Message from Prof Nora Colton, Director at UCL GBSH
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