30 items found in 4 pages
Intelligent Colour-video
Intelligent Colour (video) UCL Vintage Podcasts
Arena Bitesize: Interactive Video
In this video, Marcus Pedersen talks about some of the benefits of creating interactive videos. At UCL the recommended tool to do this is 'H5P' which is available within Moodle. A full how to instructional video is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8f5i9gRN8s We created an interactive surgery video (using H5P) that proved significant in the students learning journeys. Due to its success we then decided to expand the project. We created an instructional video to show Ophthalmology MSc students how to create their own interactive video (empowering them with a new technical skill) and allocated them a topic. The students chose a YouTube video on their topic, and inserted questions (using H5P) that they thought would be most interesting and useful for their peers. Twenty two students gave feedback highlighting the benefits of using interactive video. In particular, all strongly agreed that they would like to see more interactive videos over traditional video.
Challenge 1 (EEE Daily LSC's)
UCL EEE Challenge 1 video on Luminescent Solar Concentrators.
One Big Step 4 - Roundtable Discussion: From Risk Assessment to Systemic Risk Governance
Prof. Diana Mangalagiu chairs the Roundtable Discussion: From Risk Assessment to Systemic Risk Governance. The purpose of this meeting was to engage scientists, policy makers and business leaders in a dialogue asking if systems thinking can offer help in their decision-making processes. The meeting was a great success due to an eclectic array of speakers, panellists and participants from various backgrounds ensuring lively debate and engaging presentations.
City Visions: UCL Urban Laboratory Launch - Video
The inauguration of the UCL Urban Laboratory. The UCL Urban Laboratory, established in 2005, is a university wide initiative to bring together the best urban teaching and research at UCL. Their activities build on the full spectrum of work at UCL across the arts and sciences ranging from civil engineering to film studies, from urban history to the latest developments in architectural design. Matthew Gandy SEP 12, 2010
Boxing: A Cultural History - Video
‘Boxing: A Cultural History’ is a new investigation of the shifting social, political and cultural resonances of the visceral sport by UCL English lecturer Kasia Boddy. Dr Boddy demonstrates that the ring has proven to be a enduring venue for staging ideas about class, violence, gender, work, leisure, ideology, politics, race and nation. Here she describes the social and historical significance of a selection of the images from her book, published by Reaktion Books.
Assisted Suicide in Britain - UCL & Bindman Debate 2009 - Audio
"To be or not to be: a decision for the individual or the state?" The UCL & Bindman debate 2009 centered on the legal, medical and ethical arguments surrounding the topical issue of assisted suicide in Britain. A packed auditorium heard both sides to the argument of whether the current law should change to allow people to help terminally ill patients to travel to a country in which assisted suicide is lawful, without fear of being prosecuted.
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