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6 items found in 1 pages
Gia Lulic
UCL staff, Remarkable stories host, and published author Gia Lulic talks about the release of her first book ‘Joyful Journey – A guide back to the wild self. She draws on her personal experiences to explain why she believes the principles in the book could help us all create a life that is beyond our wildest dreams.
Ali Issa
UCL student of electronic engineering Ali Issa shares his journey coming to the UK as a refugee on his own at the age of fifteen and how this challenging experience has helped to shape his aspirations to help others. He arrived with limited language skills and was moved to several foster homes before settling into his current residents. His story is inspiring, hope provoking and shows the real power of perseverance and not giving up.
Beth Hinton-Lever
UCL alumni of Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilisations and graduate of MA in Musical Theatre from Mountview Academy of Theatre Beth Hinton- Lever shares her fascinating life as a West-end actress. She inspires with her wisdom and joyful take on becoming an impromptu activist and example for marginalised communities.
Lakayya Palmer
UCL PHD Student Lakayya Palmer shares her journey about overcoming the challenges of studying with dyslexia; imposter syndrome and the importance of mentorship and not giving up on what one strives to achieve.
Mouhssin Ismail
Lawyer turned Principal of Newham Collegiate Sixth Form, Mouhssin Ismail, talks about his extraordinary journey opening a school in Newham that has attracted students back to what was considered one of London’s disadvantaged areas. Mouhssin talks about the challenges and trials he faced since quitting his job as a successful lawyer and dedicating his career to ensuring students of all walks of life have access to a high-quality education.
Dr Julia Shaw
Criminal Psychologist, Scientist, author, BBC podcaster & co-founder of Spot Dr Julia Shaw shares her fascinating journey in academia, her works on redefining evil; false memories and her latest book on bisexuality. She talks candidly about the challenges she has faced and overcome to create success in various areas of her extraordinary career journey.