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World War 2 X
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Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 9: From prehistory to the London blitz: foreshore archaeology and a rising river
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 9: From prehistory to the London blitz: foreshore archaeology and a rising river When the tide is out, the Thames foreshore is the longest archaeological site in London. The remains cover a wide range of our long history and include prehistoric forests, a Bronze Age bridge, Saxon fish traps, Tudor jetties, later shipyards, watermen's causeways, and the hulks of boats, barges and ships. Our most recent study has even found evidence for bomb-strikes from the London Blitz, exactly 70 years ago. Much of this evidence is suffering from the river's increased erosion or by modern redevelopment. The Thames Discovery Programme team is training up a group of committed Londoners to survey the sites on a regular basis, recording the history on the foreshore before its washed away forever. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
Captain Jerry Roberts - Bletchley Park Codebreaker - Video
Captain Jerry Roberts, UCL German alumnus and Second-World-War codebreaker, spoke at UCL on 11 March 2009 about his experiences breaking the ‘Tunny’ code at Bletchley Park: a much more complex machine than the better-known ‘Enigma’.