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Race, sex, class and educational achievement at age 16 - CEPEO Seminar Series
Educational achievement at age 16, the end of statutory full-time education in England, is key to young people’s future educational, economic, social and health outcomes. I look at achievement gaps by the three central dimensions of equality: race, sex and class, and use the Second Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE2) which is the most up-to-date nationally representative dataset with comprehensive measures of all three dimensions.
What if… we really wanted to support schools facing the greatest challenge?
Some schools have made a name for themselves in performing 'against the odds', their pupils chalking up impressive achievements in national tests and exams. But still there remains a link between schools' circumstances and their performance, and some glaring geographical disparities. Breaking that link has been a focal point for education policy and many high profile organisations in education over the past two decades. There are occasional signs of progress, but they have often been modest and faltering. How far can we get with school-based interventions, and are there any such interventions, existing or hypothetical, that we should pursue with greater vigour? Come and debate sector leaders' views on which policies and interventions we should prioritise in order to cut through this problem once and for all, and what wider reforms would best help more schools in challenging circumstances. #IOEDebates