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Part of the seminar series, 'The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies'
Feminism is a praxis, a theory, methodology and pedagogy that engages with anti-oppressive struggles as interlinked and connected by the common denominator of experiencing the oppressions of white supremacist capitalist patriarchal power anddomination. Feminism has challenged the structures of globalization, capitalism, andneoliberalism and how they have impacted women and other oppressed populations, their labor practices, and mainstream conceptions of the self and the therapeutic. This presentation engages with the concept of “feminisms” and how each presenter came to define feminism as a personal and political identity and methodology. It is followed by two case studies to examine the application of feminist pedagogy and to trouble practices of care that attend to false conditions of safety and protection in the face of systemic oppression and violence.
Part of the seminar series, 'The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies'
Growing evidence has identified multiple benefits of arts and creative practices for health and well-being. These offer significant scope for behavioural change interventions and patient activation and empowerment. However, in Latin America, essential gaps in basic knowledge and awareness reduced the potential positive impact of arts on brain health.
Based on the expertise of the Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and the Latin American Brain Health Institute at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile, we have created the Creative and Arts Intervention Network Latin America. This network aims to support projects and online communities promoting the use of art to improve brain health and create support for vulnerable communities.
Professor Agustin Ibanez
Director of the Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat)
The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies
Museums, as neutral, non-judgmental spaces, play an important role in enhancing mental, social and physical aspects of a community. This talk explores how museums build and grow in collaboration with their community partners. To drive creativity and agency, participants can benefit from such social spaces for experiential and experimental opportunities that provide access to artsbased wellness & art therapy content and programming. This is achieved through engagement and empowerment by offering multimodal therapeutic opportunities from moments of calm, reflection and self-expression in connection with the museum’s collection and the architecture.
Maral Jul Bedoyan MA in Museums and Gallery practice from UCL Qatar. Leading the Department of Education and the Wellbeing initiative at Louvre Abu Dhabi
Richa Mehta
Art Therapy, Vancouver Art Therapy Institute. MA in Education with focus on So
A webinar presented by Ali Coles (lecturer in Art Psychotherapy, University of South Wales, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust). For the National Alliance for Museums, Health and Wellbeing. It explores how art therapists and museums can work together in order to support people with mental health issues.