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3 items found in 1 pages
NCLE Universal CPD: Assessing for Success
Join us for our NCLE Universal CPD Programme to find out more! “...the vast majority of young people should be studying a language thorugh to GCSE” (Sir Ian Bauckham, 2023). "Mistakes are a positive thing" (Sir Ian Bauckham, 2023).
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being? The extent to which young children are tested in school varies markedly internationally. Yet, there is little evidence on the effects of this testing on student outcomes, both in terms of educational performance and wellbeing. A major concern in low testing environments is that testing children is detrimental to their mental health with no countervailing improvements in educational attainment. We return to this issue using random variation in math exam taking amongst Norwegian children in early primary school. We demonstrate no effect on average performance, no effects on student welfare, but evidence that testing improves some aspects of teaching practices, feedback and engagement.
What if… we were able to say more about how the brain learns?
The rise of neuroscience within education has been dramatic; accusations of 'neuro mania' and warnings about 'neuro myths' have become common place. Are we correct to pin our hopes on this field as a means of improving learning and attainment? In this debate we bring together leading neuroscientists and educationalists to reflect on the 'state of the art' in (educational) neuroscience, future prospects for the field in providing insights into the learning process and the likely timescales for that, the ethical questions we could be considering now, as well as how we can collectively avoid the worst excesses of 'neuro-nonsense'. #IOEDebates