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ELEP Research Seminar: Dr Bethsaida Nieves
Title: Determining Biological Citizenship: Creating and Effacing Difference in Puerto Rico’s Education. Speaker: Dr Bethsaida Nieves. Host: Helen Knowler, UCL's Eugenics Legacy Education Project (ELEP). Abstract: Dr Nieves' work analyses the ways in which institutional practices gave legitimacy to conceptualisations of difference in Puerto Rico’s schooling and society. She examine the ways in which discourses of difference provided educators with information about whom the Puerto Rican child was or could become. These epistemological and ontological reference points shifted under the first years of civil colonial rule, which constructed a state of liminal governmentality in Puerto Rico’s education and society. For Puerto Rico’s case, sustained avoidance became a tactic for governing, which has kept Puerto Rico in a state of suspended sovereignty since the turn of the twentieth century.
Citizenship PGCE
The Citizenship PGCE offers students the opportunity to be trained at the leading edge of citizenship education for the 11-16 age range, becoming one of the next generation of specialist teachers of Citizenship and associated subjects such as Government and Politics, Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and PSHE.
Inspiring Citizenship teachers, educating the global citizens of the future
First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Keeley Lister Ilkley Grammar School
Education work to promote democratic citizenship and human rights
Hugh Starkey is Professor of Citizenship and Human Rights Education at the UCL Institute of Education and co-founder of the International Centre for Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC). His research is interdisciplinary and relates to intercultural education; education to promote democratic citizenship and human rights.
Globalisation and education for cosmopolitan citizenship
Professor Hugh Starkey discusses citizenship as a subject in school contexts and beyond. Hugh Starkey is Professor of Citizenship and Human Rights Education at the UCL Institute of Education, and co-founded the International Centre for Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC). His research is interdisciplinary and relates to intercultural education; education to promote democratic citizenship and human rights.