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The British Sign Language (BSL) Corpus is a publicly accessible, on-line record of BSL used by Deaf people in the UK. It’s a collection of video clips showing Deaf people using BSL, together with background information about the signers and written descriptions of the signing in ELAN. You can also explore BSL SignBank, a wonderful website with approximately 2500 BSL signs developed from the BSL Corpus. In other words, BSL signs directly from the deaf community!
 D-List info-sheet consent-form BSL
BSL translated consent form for participant in D-List subject database at DCAL Research Centre
Dr Database: health surveillance in the shadow of COVID-19
Here at UCL, our researchers are using health data to understand COVID-19 in a variety of ways – from the spread of the virus, to exploring the effects of social distancing on our mental health, to finding out how underlying health conditions affect mortality rates, to improving healthcare outcomes for vulnerable children. Four experts will present how they’re using our data to better understand the pandemic. A panel discussion, chaired by UCL alumna and broadcaster Vivienne Parry OBE, will follow exploring the ethical concerns and trust issues surrounding the collection and analysis of data for countering COVID-19 and improving public health. Speakers & panelists Professor Rob Aldridge | Virus Watch: applying public health data science to help stop the spread of COVID-19 Dr Daisy Fancourt | COVID-19 social study Dr Amitava Banerjee | OurRisk.CoV: a risk calculator for the public by the public Professor Ruth Gilbert | Improving healthcare outcomes for vulnerable children in a pandem
17026626 COMP066 Cinema Database Submission
This is my submission for the COMP066 Film Database Coursework
UCLASS - UCL Archive of Stuttered Speech
Introduction to UCL Archive of Stuttered Speech