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Who defers and delays entry to primary school?
Within the ‘normal’ school year-group cohort, summer-born children are proportionally much younger than autumn-borns at the usual point of school entry. Since 2014, families’ right to request later entry, particularly for summer-borns, has been enshrined in national guidance. Deferred entry may benefit certain children – potentially including some who were born premature and some who have ‘special educational needs’ and/or disabilities (SEND). However, the ‘right to request’ might also exacerbate inequalities, if more ‘advantaged’ families tend to access it. Existing evidence on patterns of entry is not nationally representative, probably contains biased responses, and does not consider the interaction between child-level factors and family circumstances. Among children who may plausibly be better served by education with the cohort below, are those who are from ‘advantaged’ families more likely to follow this pathway?
Withdrawals/Deferrals on Maytas
Demo on how to process NPQ withdrawals and deferrals on Maytas