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Study Clinical Pharmacy at UCL:  postgraduate open day event
This session is about the MSc in Clinical Pharmacy, International Practice and Policy. Find out from our tutors and a former student.
Cannabis and Mental Health
Speakers include: Dr Marta Di Forti, King's College London Dr Tom Freeman, University of Bath Dr Dominic O'Ryan, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 4: Sex, Drugs, the Internet and Juries (video)
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 4: Sex, Drugs, the Internet and Juries Is it true that juries rarely convict defendants in rape cases and are more likely to convict ethnic minority defendants than White defendants? And why can’t jurors resist going home at night and googling the defendant or tweeting about the case – against the express instructions of the judge. This lecture reveals the truth behind a number of widely held beliefs about juries in this country and examines why the internet may now be the biggest threat to our jury system. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures