6 items found in 1 pages
UCL CEPEO Research Seminar:  Stephen Machin: Government Contracting and Living Wages > Minimum Wages
Stephen discusses the effects of adjustments to the living wage – including its effects on supervisor-worker ratios, wage boosts and impact on employment. His research looks at a case study of workers in establishments for a service sector company with many establishments located in the UK.
The Centre for Capitalism Studies launch
Including renowned artist Hito Steyerl, the pre-eminent economist Prof Ha-Joon Chang and journalist Grace Blakeley, to debate **Why we need to study capitalism today?**
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 9: Why the courts are as important as hospitals to the nation's health
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 9: Why the courts are as important as hospitals to the nation's health Professor Genn will focus on the critical ways in which courts support society and the economy and on how they have directly improved standards of medicine practice and healthcare. She will also discuss new evidence about the link between access to justice and health and consider whether much of what turns up in doctors’ surgeries (including requests for anti-depressants) are in fact the results of an inability to access the courts. Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
Special Guest Lecture by The Hon Mike Rann - Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy - Video
Special Guest Lecture, Wednesday 1 December 2010 Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy The Hon Mike Rann CNZM MP, Premier of South Australia and Minister for Sustainability and Climate
Special Guest Lecture by The Hon Mike Rann - Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy - Audio
Special Guest Lecture, Wednesday 1 December 2010 Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy The Hon Mike Rann CNZM MP, Premier of South Australia and Minister for Sustainability and Climate.
2014 UCL Lancet Lecture by Arundhati Roy - The Half-Life of Caste: The ill-health of a nation
Arundhati Roy, acclaimed novelist and political activist, won the 1997 Booker Prize for Fiction with her novel The God of Small Things. She has published several collections of political essays on issues ranging from large dams and nuclear weapons to the corporatisation and privatisation of India's New Economy. In this lecture she speaks about the practice of caste in India and how it received support from many of those who lead India's struggle for Independence including Mahatma Gandhi. She argues that caste has been modernised and entrenched by democracy in India. 2014 UCL Lancet Lecture - The Half-Life of Caste: The ill-health of a nation 20 November 2014 The UCL Lancet lecture is an annual global health event open to the public, co-hosted by UCL Grand Challenges, UCL Institute for Global Health, and The Lancet. More information on the UCL Grand Challenges: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/grand-challenges/ucl-grand-challenges