9 items found in 2 pages
The Bartlett Review: Energy Poverty and Energy Justice
Access to reliable energy is a pre-requisite of healthy life, yet in many parts of the world the health and quality of life of millions of people is blighted by energy poverty. In this episode we will look at some of the data around global energy poverty – and the challenges of sourcing reliable information and the potential use of the law to bring about change and give more people access to reliable, sustainable and affordable energy.
MSc Materials for Energy and Environment
Staff and students from the Department of Chemistry at UCL discuss the Materials for Energy and Environment MSc programme.
The UKERC Podcast
The inaugural podcast from the team at The UK Energy Research Center. In this episode, UKERC Director Prof Rob Gross discusses the impact of Brexit on the UK energy landscape with Caroline Kuzemko (Associate Professor in the University of Warwick’s Politics and International Studies department) and Antony Froggatt (Chatham House).
How to Change the World
Energy Challenge - Group 16 Energy for the Transportation of Sapling Trees
One Big Step 3 - Case Study: The Future of Energy - Video
Prof. Steven Bishop from UCL talks about Case Study: The Future of Energy. The purpose of this meeting was to engage scientists, policy makers and business leaders in a dialogue asking if systems thinking can offer help in their decision-making processes. The meeting was a great success due to an eclectic array of speakers, panellists and participants from various backgrounds ensuring lively debate and engaging presentations.
Prof Nick Lane
Prof Nick Lane Living History How Energy Shapes Life
STEaPP Chat Ep-01: Energy in African Context
‘STEaPP Chat’ is our new format of short chats with researchers, educators, and policy advisors, showcasing the work we do at the Department of Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) of University College London (UCL). The 20-30 min long chats will not only demonstrate how academic work ties into the world of policymaking, attempting to improve peoples’ lives, but also shows why we teach what we teach. Episode 1 of 'STEaPP Chat' hosted by Andreas and featuring Yacob Mulugetta, Professor of Energy and Development Policy at STEaPP, discusses network infrastructures for essential services in the development context.
How to Change the World - Teaser Trailer
How to Change the World (HtCtW) equips rising science and engineering talent with the skills and tools they require to tackle today’s wicked problems. In this unique training programme, participants develop creative and technically robust solutions to address global grand challenges and make positive social change.
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