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genetic X
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Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 5: Genetic testing in the 21st century: Should we screen the human embryonic genome before implantation?
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 5: Genetic testing in the 21st century: Should we screen the human embryonic genome before implantation? In preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), embryos are created by IVF and cells removed from these embryos for genetic analysis. Until recently, testing was solely for the disease the couple carried. The use of array-comparative genomic hybridisation and single nucleotide polymorphism arrays has entered the PGD arena. These techniques allow all chromosomes and many genes to be examined. The analysis of the whole genome prior to implantation brings ethical concerns. Will healthy couples opt for PGD to select their ‘best’ offspring? Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
MadeAtUCL Podcast Episode 5: What came before us
This episode was created during lockdown and a timely reflection on what came before us. Hear about historical figures from World War 1 to extinct species because of climate change and unearthed ancient fossils as Suzie takes you back in time with our UCL experts: - Vicky Price, Head of Outreach at UCL Special Collections, Library Services - Professor Richard Pearson, Professor of Ecology, Genetics, Evolution & Environment in the Division of Biosciences - Dr Dominic Papineau, Lecturer in Geochemistry and Astrobiology Find out more on