10 items found in 2 pages
Zhou Lab
Zhou lab video - March 2025
Study MSc Genetics of Human Disease at UCL: postgraduate open day event
This is an information session about the MSc Genetics of Human Disease. You will hear from the course leaders about the programme and the career opportunities that this can give you.
Eugenics: Know the past, protect the future (Dr Adam Rutherford)
A short introduction by UCL's Dr Adam Rutherford to the necessity of understanding our eugenics history to protect the future of areas such as genetics, statistics, and psychology.
Eugenics: Bigotry disguised as Biology (Dr Adam Rutherford)
A short introduction by UCL's Dr Adam Rutherford to the origins of eugenics ideology and the blurring of with science and policy and ideology.
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 5: Genetic testing in the 21st century: Should we screen the human embryonic genome before implantation?
Lunch Hour Lectures - Spring 2011 - Episode 5: Genetic testing in the 21st century: Should we screen the human embryonic genome before implantation? In preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), embryos are created by IVF and cells removed from these embryos for genetic analysis. Until recently, testing was solely for the disease the couple carried. The use of array-comparative genomic hybridisation and single nucleotide polymorphism arrays has entered the PGD arena. These techniques allow all chromosomes and many genes to be examined. The analysis of the whole genome prior to implantation brings ethical concerns. Will healthy couples opt for PGD to select their ‘best’ offspring? Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 11: The New Biology of Ageing
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2009 - Episode 11: The New Biology of Ageing To mark Age Concern Week. Research into ageing has been rejuvenated by the discovery that genetic alterations extend the lifespan of laboratory animals. These mutations keep animals healthy for longer and protect them from many of the diseases of ageing. Professor Partridge will look at how this and other discoveries have led to a new wave of research directed at understanding how these changes can increase healthy lifespan in humans. Prof Linda Partridge UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing Vintage Podcasts - Lunch Hour Lectures
#MadeAtUCL Series 2 - Episode 3 - Pain: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Join Cassidy for April’s #MadeAtUCL podcast which talks about Pain: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Imagine not feeling pain... Or never having to fear visiting the dentist... Or being able to communicate pain... Hear about: - The FAAH-OUT gene discovery and how the latest research is helping people with chronic pain conditions with Dr James Cox (Senior Lecturer and Deputy Graduate Tutor working in the Molecular Nociception Group at the UCL Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research) - Clinical trials in dentistry that may allow for some procedures to be performed without drills or anaesthetic with Prof Anne Young (Professor of Biomaterials at UCL Eastman Dental Institute) - A novel way of using pictures to communicate pain with Dr Deborah Padfield (a visual artist, Senior Lecturer in Arts & Health Humanities at St George's, University of London and Lecturer (Teaching) at the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL)www.uclpress.co.uk/pain
Vision and Eyes Group
We are the Vision and Eyes Group based at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. In this video, we introduce ourselves and our work. Did you know that we actually learn to see?!
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