4 items found in 1 pages
Far future Earth: Geological traces of the Anthropocene - Prof Jan Zalasiewicz (Leicester), APEX Seminar 2022-10-13
The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Oct-Dec 2022), are held in a mix of hybrid and online format on Thursdays from 1-2pm. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond.
'Subpixel topography retrieval of Mars using single-image DTM estimation and super-resolution restoration' - Yu Tao (MSSL), and 'A fragment of the lunar mantle?' - Prof Hilary Downes (BBK), APEX Seminar 2022-03-17
This week's APEX talk features Yu Tao (MSSL) and Hilary Downes (BBK). The Astrobiology and Planetary Exploration (APEX) meetings this term (Jan-Mar 2022), are held online on Thursdays from 1-2pm. The talks are an excellent way of keeping abreast with astrobiology and planetary exploration research within The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL/Birkbeck and beyond.
Earth Sciences - Undergraduate Presentation June 2021
Earth Sciences lecturer Dr Emma Liu discusses the available undergraduate courses in the Department of Earth Sciences.
Exploring Earth Sciences
Join us at UCL: www.ucl.ac.uk/earth-sciences to start your journey. See how you can make a difference to today's world. Finding solutions to global environmental issues is at the heart of Earth Sciences. From atoms to atmosphere, we study the planet as you've never seen it before.