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2 items found in 1 pages
DERC Webinar: Misleading Opportunities: Global Competency Frameworks in Ontario Teacher Education
This session, part of a series looking at DERC-related Doctoral research, shares findings from a case study that explored influences of Ontario-based global competency frameworks on teacher candidates’ understanding and practice of global citizenship education during their pre-service programme. While the frameworks are populated with discursive orientations that emphasize skills for the global marketplace and distract attention from global issues and content, the study also indicates how the agentic dimensions of teacher candidates variably reject, revise and/or re-imagine global competency in ways that contribute to the development of critical reflective teaching practice. The findings indicate a need for ongoing research that centres teachers’ educational archives and social identities as ever present in policy enactment. SPEAKER David Montemurro is an Associate Professor, at the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
DERC webinar: New research on global education and learning
This webinar sees students on DERC's Global Learning MA presenting exciting new research they have conducted. The MA in Global Learning is a distance learning programme which introduces students to a range of perspectives and approaches to global learning, global citizenship education and education for sustainable development. Speakers Exploring how Chinese high school students prepare for overseas study through intercultural engagement and global citizenship education - Xiaqiu (Sophy) Li Developing Global Citizenship in international schools: A Model United Nations case study - Thom Gibbs Chair: Professor Doug Bourn, Director of DERC