8 items found in 1 pages
Up Close and Policy: Health and Social Care Select Committees
Up Close and Policy: Health and Social Care Select Committees
MSc Data Science and Public Policy
Find out more about the MSc Data Science and Public Policy degree jointly run by the Departments of Economics and Political Science.
Special Guest Lecture by The Hon Mike Rann - Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy - Video
Special Guest Lecture, Wednesday 1 December 2010 Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy The Hon Mike Rann CNZM MP, Premier of South Australia and Minister for Sustainability and Climate
Special Guest Lecture by The Hon Mike Rann - Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy - Audio
Special Guest Lecture, Wednesday 1 December 2010 Change Leadership in a Carbon Constrained Economy The Hon Mike Rann CNZM MP, Premier of South Australia and Minister for Sustainability and Climate.
Episode 1: Working in the Heart of Government
This episode gives you the chance to hear from speakers working across the UK Civil Service. Guests from the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA), Cabinet Office, and the UK Civil Service talk about their careers to date.
A Mission-Oriented Industrial Strategy
A Mission-Oriented Industrial Strategy Innovation has both a rate and a direction. Innovation policy, and Industrial Strategy specifically, are an opportunity to support the development of technology and to influence the direction of innovation towards solving big societal problems. The government’s Industrial Strategy is explicitly targeted at solving four grand challenges – an ageing society, data and artificial intelligence, clean growth, and the future of mobility. For the past year, the UCL Commission on Mission-Oriented Innovation and Industrial Strategy (MOIIS) has been working closely with BEIS to develop these challenges into bold and ambitious missions which inspire innovation across multiple sectors. We have also been looking at cross-cutting issues—like how to use procurement policy to inspire bottom-up experimentation and exploration towards achieving the missions, and how to engage civil society.
Master's of Public Administration (MPA) at UCL STEaPP
UCL STEaPP's Master's degrees provide professionals with tools and skills to work at the interface between science, technology, engineering and public policy.