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Health in a Handbasket Episode 7: Shining a light inside the body
How can we see inside the body without opening it up? Medical Imaging is the term given to the way in which we can image the body. Think X-rays of your teeth, big MRI machines, or ultrasounds. All these forms of imaging use small doses of radiation to see inside the body. Charlotte Maughan Jones and Liam Collins-Jones (no relation!) are working to see the light. They're using medical imaging to scan the body for tendon damage, as is the case with Charlotte, and autism, as is the case with Liam. You might be wondering how they're doing this because isn't x-rays just for bones so how are we able to see the small, fleshy tendons? And how do we use medical imaging to diagnose autism? They're all questions that we'll be answering in this podcast.
Pumping life into the future of diabetes management
Ken Li is an Associate Professor looking at technology you can use to manage diabetes. He's currently creating a sort of artificial pancreas to help those with diabetes lead less stressful and anxious lives. We're joined in this episode by Melissa Connolly who tells us what life is like as a diabetic and how the device Ken is creating will change her life.
Healthcare in a Handbasket - Episode 1: How underrated is our sense of smell?
When was the last time you gave any thought to your sense of smell? Smell plays a vital role in our physical and mental health - from our enjoyment of food and perfume to our ability to detect smoke or gas. A decline in our sense of smell is associated with cognitive decline, BUT there might be things we can do to prevent this happening and train our sense of smell. Giada Brianza (UCL Computer Science) is developing a smell training device that could help people track and develop their smell abilities over time.